Dane County New Horizons Music, Inc. (DCNHM) was organized on November 30, 2015 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity by several people wanting to meet the need in the Dane County (Madison) Wisconsin area for a band for adult musicians who may be new to playing a musical instrument, those who have not played since they were in high school or college, and those who want to learn to play a different instrument. The organization is also open to input from the community for the need to start or partner with additional bands, orchestras, choruses, and ensembles. DCNHM is a proud member of the New Horizons International Music Association and the Association of Concert Bands. We hold a blanket public performance license for copyrighted music from ASCAP and BMI through the Association of Concert Bands.
While many adults would like to learn to play a musical instrument, they are unaware of how to start. The New Horizons Music movement provides for this entry into making music for adults throughout the world. While originally developed for those over 50 years of age, any adult is welcome to participate in the DCNHM program. Music is a great way to exercise and expand mental capacity, increase social contacts, and have fun in the process.
The mission DCNHM is to provide a band for mature players, with additional bands, orchestras, choruses, and/or ensembles developed as needed.
President: Gary Lensmeyer
Vice-President: Tony Torres
Secretary: Lori Scarlett
Treasurer: Doug Dowling
Web Designer: Doug Dowling
Hospitality: LisaAnn Trembath
At Large: Yvonne Sadler
DCNHM will be an umbrella non-profit under which the band and other ever evolving groups will operate.
DCNHM will provide:
Our By-Laws guide how our non-profit corporation is governed. They include information on our corporate structure, membership, elections, etc. If you would like to read our current By-Laws, they are available in .pdf format below.
Doug Dowling in memory of Howard & Marie Dowling
Linda Kristian in memory of Wally Hansen
Gary Lensmeyer in memory of Clarence & Clara Lensmeyer
As a 501(c)(3) public charity, you may deduct donations to DCNHM under IRS section 170 on your federal and state income tax returns. You may deduct bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts under IRS Sections 2055, 2106, or 2522. Gifts of up to $100,000 from your Traditional or Roth IRA are deductible if you are age 70 1/2 or older. Please consult your tax preparer, estate planner, or IRA custodian for more information. To date, we have received over $5,700 in individual and non-profit organization donations.
Doug Dowling
Linda Kristian in memory of Wally Hansen
Gary Lensmeyer in memory of of Clarence & Clara Lensmeyer
DCNHM ByLaws 0216 (pdf)